Recruiting Days
The Recruiting Days took place on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 September 2024 - parallel to the normal trade fair and conference events in the Recruiting Area in Hall B3.UF
Many students, graduate or visitors looking for a new professional challenge took the opportunity to make direct contact with potential employers at WindEnergy Hamburg.
Numerous exhibitors were presenting themselves as employers in the Recruiting Area. Here, skilled professionals had the opportunity to make contact with HR managers and find out about further training programmes.
Recruiting Forum
The programme for the Recruiting Days on Thursday, 26 Sep and Friday, 27 Sep 2024 included the Recruiting Forum. It familiarised interested first-time job seekers, trained professionals and qualified career jumpers with employment perspectives in the wind energy sector.
Approx. 60 WindEnergy Hamburg 2024 exhibitors were present as potential employers, highlighting career and training opportunities and offering job openings along the “Job Wall”.
There were also eye-opening lectures and presentations on the wide range of career paths in the wind industry on both days. Experts from the industry associations VDMA, BWE and EEHH shared inspiring insights from the sector, and RWE, the main sponsor of the Recruiting Days, enriched the agenda with compelling reports from the field.

Job Route
Exhibitors in all halls informed visitors about career opportunities in their company. The stands of the participants and their entry in the exhibitor directory were highlighted.