The wind energy value chain

Here’s an at-a-glance overview of the categories in focus at WindEnergy Hamburg.

A. Onshore

B. Offshore

Sector directory

1.1 Wind turbines < 2 MW
1.2 Wind turbines > 2 MW


2.1 Mechanical components
2.1.1 Rotor blades
2.1.2 Lubrication
2.1.3 Pitch systems
2.1.4 Hubs
2.1.5 Bearings
2.1.6 Main shafts
2.1.7 Gearboxes
2.1.8 Couplings
2.1.9 Breaking systems
2.1.10 Azimuth systems
2.1.11 Machine carrier
2.1.12 Fasteners / Link

2.2 Hydraulic components
2.2.1 Pumps
2.2.2 Filters
2.2.3 Valves
2.2.4 Central lubrication
2.2.5 Seals

2.3 Electrical components / measurement
2.3.1 Generators
2.3.2 Transformers
2.3.3 Power converters
2.3.4 Switching cabinets
2.3.5 Cooling systems
2.3.6 Measurement engineering
2.3.7 Slip rings
2.3.8 Cables/ Lines/ Cabling
2.3.9 Control technology
2.3.10 Sensors
2.3.11 Plug connector
2.3.12 Resistors
2.3.13 Condition Monitoring Systems (CMS)
2.3.14 Software

2.4 Surface technology
2.4.1 Coatings
2.4.2 Corrosion prevention
2.4.3 Paints / lacquers

2.5 Towers / components
2.5.1 Towers
2.5.2 Platforms
2.5.3 Lifts
2.5.4 Ascent systems / climb assists

2.6 Foundations

2.7 Manufacturing technology
2.7.1 Maschine tools
2.7.2 Tools

2.8 Misc. steel structures

2.9 Industrial marking systems

2.10 Other components

2.2      Hydraulische Komponenten
2.2.1    Pumpen
2.2.2    Filter
2.2.3    Ventile
2.2.4    Zentralschmierung
2.2.5    Dichtungen

2.3      Elektrische Komponenten und MSR
2.3.1    Generatoren
2.3.2    Transformatoren
2.3.3    Umrichter
2.3.4    Schaltschränke
2.3.5    Kühlsysteme
2.3.6    Messtechnik
2.3.7    Schleifringe
2.3.8    Kabel / Leitungen
2.3.9    Steuerungstechnik
2.3.10    Sensoren
2.3.11    Steckverbinder
2.3.12    Widerstände
2.3.13    Zustandsüberwachungssysteme (CMS)
2.3.14    Software

2.4 Oberflächentechnik / Behandlung
2.4.1 Coatings
2.4.2 Korrosionsschutz
2.4.3 Farben / Lacke

2.5 Türme / Bestandteile
2.5.1 Türme
2.5.2 Plattform
2.5.3 Aufzüge
2.5.4 Aufstiegssysteme / Steighilfen

2.6 Fundamente

2.7 Fertigungstechnik
2.7.1 Maschinen / Anlagen
2.7.2 Werkzeuge

2.8 Sonstige Stahlbaukomponenten

2.9 Industrielle Kennzeichnung

2.10 Sonstige Komponenten

3.1 Raw materials

3.2 Operating supplies

3.3 Fiber-reinforced plastics

3.4 New materials

4.1 Construction

4.2 Assembly

4.3 Onshore transport / logistics
4.3.1 Cranes
4.3.2 Logistic companies

4.4 Offshore transport / logistic
4.4.1 Wind turbine installation vessel
4.4.2 Ships for special assignments
4.4.3 Shipbuilding
4.4.4 Floating production / storage /offloading vessel (FPSO)
4.4.5 Planes / helicopters
4.4.6 Offshore supply vessel
4.4.7 Access Systems
4.4.8 Helihoist

4.5 Ports / Port logistics
4.5.1 Port logistics
4.5.2 Cargo handling / transport systems
4.5.3 Ports
4.5.4 Port Technology

4.6 Offshore installation / exploration / services
4.6.1 Diving / underwater equipment
4.6.2. Special service provider
4.6.3 Minesweeping service
4.6.4 Sensors, diving robots and ROV`s / AUV´s
4.6.5 Offshore Accommodation

5.1 Engineering office

5.2 Consulting

5.3 Geomatic Engineering / climate research
5.3.1 Cartography
5.3.2 Hydrography
5.3.3 Anemometers / wind monitoring

5.4 Surveyor

5.5 Simulations

6.1 Technical operation management
6.1.1 Monitoring
6.1.2 Maintenance / inspection
6.1.3 Repairs

6.2 Lifecycle Management
6.2.1 Repowering
6.2.2 Deconstruction
6.2.3 Recycling

6.3 Commercial management
6.3.1 Financial planning
6.3.2 Contract management

6.4 Safety
6.4.1 Plan protection Obstruction markers / warning lights Radar based systems
6.4.2 Labor protection / health / safety
6.4.3 Enviromental proctection
6.4.4 Cyber Security

7. 1 Utility

7.2 Independent Power Producer (IPP)

7.3 Grid operation

7.4 Electricity trading

7.5 Energy management systems

7.6 Virtual power plants

7.7 Systems / solution for integrated energy

7.8 PPA / Direct marketing

7.9 Smart city concepts

7.9 Smart City Konzepte

8.1 Financing
8.1.1 Banks / funds
8.1.2 Financial services

8.2 Insurance

8.3 Business consulting

9.1 Certification / quality management

9.2 Research / development

9.3 Human resources
9.3.1 Training and development
9.3.2 Recruiting
9.3.3 Human resources service provider

9.4 Associations / institutions

9.5 Media

9.6 Legal counselling

9.7 Marketing of wind farms

9.8 Drones / UAV systems

9.9 Other service providers

10.1 Power to heat

10.2 Power to gas

10.3 Power to hydrogen

10.4 Energy storage solution for RE

10.5 RE hybrid solutions

11.1 Big Data / data sharing

11.2 Cloud computing

11.3 Connectivity / internet mobile 5G

11.4 Blockchain

11.5 Software / coding

11.6 Internet of things

11.7 Digital Twin / virtual / augmented reality

11.8 Artificial intelligence