What is your assessment of the current situation in the wind industry?
The survey for the WindEnergy trend:index has started.
The political environment for renewable energy has changed markedly on both, the international and national levels since the end of the most recent WindEnergy Hamburg in September 2024. While the precise effects on the development of the wind energy business cannot be predicted as yet, it is certainly possible to gauge the current mood in the industry. The general morale across the sector and the prevailing expectations for its development in the near future are the subject of the next issue of the WindEnergy trend:index (WEtix).
Answering the anonymous survey will just take eight minutes of your time and we kindly ask you to provide your input for the next WEtix.
The survey is conducted jointly with the independent market research institute wind:research. The results will be published in June.
The WindEnergy trend:index (WEtix) is a biannual survey that was launched in 2018 for the first time by WindEnergy Hamburg, the world's leading trade fair for onshore and offshore wind energy, in collaboration with wind:research, the leading market research institute for the wind energy industry, to measure the mood in the sector.